Faasm Documentation

Faasm is a high-performance stateful serverless runtime.

Faasm provides multi-tenant isolation, yet allows functions to share regions of memory. These shared memory regions give low-latency concurrent access to data, and are synchronised globally to support large-scale parallelism.

Faasm combines software fault isolation from WebAssembly with standard Linux tooling, to provide security and resource isolation at low cost. Faasm runs functions side-by-side as threads of a single runtime process, with low overheads and fast boot times.

Faasm uses Faabric as a distributed messaging and state layer.

Faasm defines a custom host interface which extends WASI to include function inputs and outputs, chaining functions, managing state, accessing the distributed filesystem, dynamic linking, pthreads, OpenMP and MPI.

Our paper from Usenix ATC ‘20 on Faasm can be found here.

Experiments and benchmarks: